Category Archives: art

Lee Jeffries

Please take a look at the work of Lee Jeffries from Manchester, UK. We here at Connective Collective headquarters were blown away when we first discovered these stunning portraits, we think you will be too.

all photos ©Lee Jeffries

a handful of treats for you

here’s some new art for y’all to check out. make sure to click on the all the links so you can delve into the work a bit more in-depth like. and then give the artists some love. i feel pretty confident that they like love.

Fiona Essex


Tiger Eyez!
Peat Wollaeger

Aaron Winnenberg

Ged Mason

Bill McCullough

Last year we had some friends come to visit from out of state. They brought their wedding photos to show us. Now normally when someone drags out a wedding album, you can expect a half hour’s worth of boring pictures of overlapping rings and cake cutting utensils and such. Mind you, here at Connective Collective we try not to be haters, we like to keep things positive, but let’s face it, most wedding photography is dreadful. Sure, it might be technically “good” photography but the images are usually painfully impersonal and well, generic as heck.  This was most definitely NOT the case with this particular wedding album. As we flipped through the album I was completely blown away. The photographs were taken by Austin, Texas based photographer, Bill McCullough. This was not just great wedding photography, it was amazing photography period. Bold, cinematic shots that put you right in the center of the action, no boring posed photos, you are transported to ground zero of someone’s family celebration.  Just look here at some examples and you’ll get a sense of what I mean. 

Bill has just released a new book called Tone Poem with the help of his wife and partner, Meredith, a letterpress printer and master bookbinder (her website is right here).  The book is limited to 50 copies. Get yours before they’re all gone. Here is a sampling of some of the great images found in the book:

To see more of Bill’s work go here and here and here

all photos ©Bill McCullough

Kevin Balluff

We here at CCHQ are currently smitten with these fantastic night shots of deceased machines from California-based Kevin Balluff. Go here for more!
benzomatic. 2012.
christian coalition for youth. 2012.i shot the sheriff. 2011.imperial. 2011.
johnny law cannon fodder. 2011.norger. 2011.cadillac ambulance. 2011.©Kevin Balluff


We here at Connective Collective have been sorely neglecting  you, our dear friends in the cyberwebz. For this we somewhat sincerely apologize. As a token of our sort-of-feeling-bad-about-all-of-it, allow us to tickle your eyeballs with some of these lovely images…Isabelle Fexa

A desert dozen.
Michael Schoenewies

James Hough

Kathy Toth

Ben Hinceman

up close

designer's portrait
Oleg Oprisco

James Petrucci

Paolo Morales

Here are some images by photographer Paolo Morales taken from three different series: Strangers, Philippines and Women. See more from Paolo here

 all photos ©Paolo Morales

Pedro Covo

Loving this work from Colombian illustrator Pedro Covo.

Arthur Rimbaud

Aoife O’Dwyer

Take a peek at these stunning large-format photographs from Aoife O’Dwyer. Really nice stuff. Go see more from Aoife here

all photos ©Aoife O’Dwyer

Jeremy Edwards

Jeremy Edwards is a Chicago-based photographer with a keen eye for life’s strange little details. For much more of Jeremy’s work, check out his website

all photos ©Jeremy Edwards

cynthia henebry

Here is some beautiful photography from Cynthia Henebry. Cynthia shoots strictly analog and mostly medium format. Most of her subjects are children, Cynthia says:
The most interesting and complex people I am surrounded by are children. I find they provide a range of expression, emotion and authenticity that can be harder to find- or at least capture- with adults. 
I have never subscribed to the view that children have it easy. On the contrary, there is so much about the world that is out of their control, and that they are struggling to understand.
At the same time, their availability to the present moment opens them up to beautiful and profound experiences every single day. 

you can see more by Cynthia here

all photos ©Cynthia Henebry